1.4.2 - Refactoring & bug fixes
19 Jan 2023
Refactor ActionItem editing
Column filtering - follow up
Refactor frontend to use constants as enum/object instead of string literals on steps
Analytics for MS Teams and Slack connector
Optimize FE if the browser is smaller
Archive button in team modal
Create new videos for tutorial modal
Display project card for team members too
Refactor error handling
History modifications
Return to dashboard
Action items from the last completed board
Don't display the "Add group name" when creating groups
Group name can be empty
After activating retro for the first time the project card is not refreshed after setting up a board
User with only join retrospective event permission can delete boards
Missing change template button
Event duration bug
Board modification modal
Finish modal appearance
Editing an ActionItem causes Dashboard rerender
If I don't change anything I can't close the board modification modal with Confirm
Board name is undefined
Can't create board
After the error message the History page is stuck at loading
Slack image isn't loaded at App Settings because of the Content Security Policy
Create team modal validation
Pinned projects are not in correct order
Zod error
Column filter is not displayed properly if the column name is longer
"Delete group" button disabled caused by wrong minify/expand behaviour
Add projects modal error
Can't modify card
Card order is not correct after changing step
Event duration bug
Can't collapse group on summary
Project history is disabled for team members
Group is not deleted
zod errors on dashboard
Create test cases
Extend POC
validate form fields where needed using zod where its applicable
/projects/ *endpoints
/teams/* endpoints
/boards/* endpoints
/boards/cards/* endpoints
/boards/groups/* endpoints
/boards/action-items/* endpoints
/pinned-projects/* endpoints
/boards/timer/* endpoints
/allowed-projects/* endpoints
/category-templates/* endpoints
integration endpoints
other endpoints
Refactor AuthorizationError
Refactor InvalidInputError
Refactor JiraApiError
Refactor ResourceNotFoundError
Refactor UnavailableError
Refactor UnexpectedError and WtfError
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