2.10.0 - Design facelift, new features and additional improvements
Design Facelift
Jira Alignment: We have aligned our design updates with the latest Jira designs, providing a refreshed look.
Sleek, Minimal Design: Implemented a minimalist design, such as streamlined buttons, for a more modern interface.
Enhanced User Friendliness: Improvements make the interface more intuitive and easy to navigate.
Subtle Cards and Right Panel: Cards and the right panel are now more subtle with more discreet colors.
Clearer Step Processbar: The steps in the processbar are now clearer, with a summary provided at the end.
Updated Summary/PDF: Due to changes in card design, the Summary/PDF export has been updated.
New Features
Incorporated Unresolved Action Items: Unresolved action items are now built into the workflow which can be switched on in Settings/Lobby.
User-Specific Filters and Sorting Options for Unresolved Action Items: Filters can be set based on assignees for specific tasks and tasks can be sorted by topic or priority.
Action Items History: Action items now include a history feature, similar to Jira tasks.
Manage Retrospective/Topic Management: Existing feature update allowing action item topics to be managed and deleted.
Manage Retrospective/Board Management/Templates: Users can duplicate the default template and edit it as per their preferences.
Additional Improvements
Templates/Feelings: Focused on enhancing the AI's ability to suggest better action items
Vote Count Adjustment: Reduced the number of votes for better fit and communication, ensuring retrospectives remain concise.
We hope these updates enhance your experience with Power Retro and make your retrospectives more efficient and enjoyable!
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