1.4.0 - New features & bug fixes
08 Dec 2022
Time is up - update
Error message modifications
Uninstall undefined client
New rename group method
add commit hash of backend and frontend next to version
create migration to save as projectSettings if only facilitator can create groups
500 errors from prod
Show all action items
Modify placeholder text and function
Follow-up: Board updating
Create a test button for slack notification on the channel
Select all function for team members
Time adding method - follow up
Change description icon colour
Forbid template editing in brainstorming
Maximize column width
Tooltip for archive and restore buttons
Set proper security headers
Tutorial follow up
Make the tutorial disappearance animation faster
Turn autocomplete off for group names
Tooltip for non-facilitator users on the create jira issue button
Tutorial modal
Implement Teams connector
Handle opening board/action item from notification when the team is archived
Minify and expand groups follow up
Create groups without drag&drop items
Rename group tooltip is visible in summary
Missing number of action items
Active create jira issue button
Retro cards 'fly away'
Insertion cursor jumps up
Uncategorised modal
Chevron arrow modification
Project card is not refreshed sometimes after creating or finishing board
Permission issue with action items
Able to modify and create cards after clicking on finished button
Event settings modification
Team archival modal backdrop incorrect height
Retro steps tooltip grammar issue
Sending dashboard url
Action item appeareance error on Safari
Missing button when setup a board
There are 0-s in every column if it is empty
Default jira icons for projects are not loaded because of the updated security policy
If the timer settings is the default when I start the retro event the 'Time is up" button appears
Action item prioroty is not displayed properly
If the tutorial modal is open and I refresh the page I get an error
At Summary not only the facilitator can minify/expand the groups
Drag & drop cards in backlog
Hide 'only facilitator can act' text at discussion, if the participants has edit action item permission
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