Summary of the Retrospective event

By clicking the Summary button on the steps a modal window will pop up, and ask if you would like to Ffnish the Retrospective event.

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If you click on the Finish Retrospective button the Retrospective event comes to its last step, that is the Summary. Here you can view the cards, groups, topics, and action items that were created and discussed.


The Summary page starts with general information about the Retrospective:

  • Event name

  • Project name

  • Event date

Next to the title the user can find a Download PDF button that downloads a PDF version of the Summary page to the user's device.

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On the right side of the screen 3 other metrics are displayed:

  • Insights - number of Retro Cards created

  • Topics Explored - number of Cards and Groups that got votes

  • New Action Items - number of new Action Items


In this section, the Participants who were present during the Retrospective are listed with their names, avatars and the Facilitator badge.

Discussed topics and action items

This is where the Summary page collects all of the Topics Participants have potentially discussed during the Discussion step.


Relevant topics

In the Relevant topics section, the user can find topics that received votes during the Voting step. This means they are important to the Participants but no Action Items were created for them.


The Overview is the last section of the Summary page and provides an interactive miniature version of the board where the user can open Card Edit modals and read descriptions or just look through the board once again.



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