Retrospective History

From the Project Cards' context menu the user has access to all of the previously created retrospective boards.


Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 14.37.24.png

After opening the Retrospective history the following table is shown on the screen:


Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 14.35.53.png

Clicking on a row opens the Retrospective in its current state. Clicking Completed Retrospectives opens up their Retrospective Summary.


Understanding the different columns:

Column name


Column name


Event Name

  • displays the event name of the Retrospective set by the creator of the Retrospective board


  • current state of the Retrospective event


Completion date

  • the date the Retrospective was finished


  • number of users actively participating in the Retrospective


  • number of total Retro cards created by the Participants


  • number of total topics which were voted for during the Voting step

Action Items

  • number of Action Items created/number of Action Items finished


At the end of each Completed row there are 2 permanent and 1 optional buttons:

  1. The blue cloud downloads the Retrospective Summary in a PDF format

  2. The trashcan deletes the Retrospective after asking for confirmation

  3. The optional padlock button appears only, if there is an in progress retrospective event. By clicking on it, you are able to close that event




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