Filtering and Sorting
Several filtering and sorting options are available to the user above the Action Item list.
Filter Tabs:
All from the last completed retro - shows all the action items from previous retro event (resolved and unresolved)
All Unresolved Items - shows all action items that were not resolved from all previous retro events made by this team
All Action Items - shows all resolved and unresolved action items from all retro events of this team
Avatar heads - filters the Action Items assigned to the specific users. The user can select and deselect multiple people creating unique filters.
Filter by Topic - if there were topics assigned to the action items from the previous retro sessions those appear here in the list and you can filter action items based on their topics.
Sorting the Action Items has several options, but displayed only if it makes sense:
(You can not see due date filter if there is no due date)
Created at - sorts the Action Items by Creation Date
Due Date - sorts the Action Items by their Due Date
Priority - sorts the Action Items by their Priority
Topic - sorts the Action Items by their Topic
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