Project Card Strip

The Project Card Strip is the top section of the Dashboard where the projects which have Power Retro activated are shown. This strip of projects helps the user navigate between projects, their Retrospective events and their Action Items.

If there are more available projects than what can fit the screen size, you have 3 options to find a specific project card:

  1. Horizontal scroll with your touchpad or mouse

  2. Use the scroll arrows which appear on the 2 sides of the scrollable content. They are only shown if there are remaining project cards out of screen

  3. Use the “Show All” button for an overview of all your project cards.



Project Card

A Project Card is responsible for almost every project related action. It also provides general information about the currently running or already finished events.

A Project Card shows:

  • The name and avatar of the project

  • Number of not completed Action Items

  • Last event’s date

  • Options button

  • Current event’s date if there is any

  • Current event’s status if there is any





The retrospective board has already been created but the retrospective event has not started yet


The retrospective board is waiting for Participants

In Progress

The retrospective is under way

  • Join/Setup Retrospective button


You can start a new session with Setup Retrospective or join to an existing one with the Join Retrospective button.


For your convenience there is a Pin / Unpin button on the cards which pins the selected Project Cards to the top of the list. To achieve this move your mouse over a Project Card and click on the grey pin button or select the Pin Project option from the menu. To Unpin a project, click the blue pin button or select the Unpin Project option from the menu.


There is an options menu on every project card which gives you the opportunity to:

To open the options menu click the dot menu button in the top right of a Project Card: