hovering over the Back arrow in the bottom left part of the screen expands it and reveales, clicking it will change the step of the board back to Backlog
In the middle of the screen, the Let’s Go! button launches the retrospective event with the actual Event Settings which can be set by clicking the cogwheel button in the top right corner of the screen
Note |
Clicking the Let’s Go! button is final. The Facilitator can’t step back to the Lobby after doing it. |
ha a beallitasoknal be van kapcsolva a minimum egy kartya hozzadasi megszoritas es valaki nem adott meg hozza kartyat, akkor a facilitator figyelmeztetest kap, ha a kovetkezo fazisra, a Presentationre akar lepni
if the “Everybody has to add at leas least one idea” option is enabled in the Event Settings and someone has not added any retro cards to the board the Facilitator will get an informative error message about the situation when trying to progress to the next step. The step can be changed regardless by clicking Continue Anyway