Store selector memoization
Brainstorming session to improve + re-organize authorization
Integrate gitlab CI/CD with X-Ray to display test results
Run tests parallel
Write a cleanup script
Update test IDs
GA for pdf download
Fix review phase teardown
Handle xfails and xpasses in xray connection
Create API tests for Root endpoints
Enable Auth in Swagger
Create API tests for Slack-integration endpoints
Create API tests for Topic endpoints
CI/CD - SWC Jest
Typing animation is not reseted
Team name is not displayed in board and summary
Action item is opened in Discuss phase
Zod error after opening older unresolved action items in review phase
Zod error when opening app settings
Migration issue
Add project modal is empty
When first editing a team, 'empty' members show up
Team settings are not saved
Event settings issues in Safari
Last action item in list is not fully visible on dashboard
Board name is not aligned with team name in Brainstorm
Edit in Brainstorming phase
Typing icon
Hide offline participant's votes
Team member adding
Dashboard due date sorting
Dashboard priority sorting
improve delete board modal
Add toaster for AI grouping and Action item suggestion
Implement common permission handling on frontend